Dr. Dana Colson graduated from Dentistry in 1977 from the University of Toronto, Canada. She has practiced holistic, mercury free and mercury safe dentistry since 1983. Dr. Colson is aware that mercury vapor and dental infections can have a negative impact on overall health. Because of this concern, she focus on patient education and strive to remove mercury amalgam (silver) fillings in a safe way. She has now published a review article about this topic in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health.



Dana G. Colson

A safe protocol for amalgam removal

J Environ Public Health 2012; 2012: 517391 



Today’s environment has different impacts on our body than previous generations. Heavy metals are a growing concern in medicine. Doctors and individuals request the removal of their amalgam (silver mercury) restorations due to the high mercury content. A safe protocol to replace the silver mercury filling will ensure that there is minimal if any absorption of materials while being removed. Strong alternative white composite and lab-processed materials are available today to create a healthy and functioning mouth. Preparation of the patient prior to the procedure and after treatment is vital to establish the excretion of the mercury from the body.


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Björklund Nutrition is an online, global news service operated by Vital Press. Björklund Nutrition features news and resources focused on nutrition, environmental medicine and health. The service is founded and managed by Mr. Geir Bjørklund.

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1 Comment

  1. I have been contemplating just getting those three teeth pulled. How can I be sure that whatever dentist I choose will know how to do this right?

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