Millions of people around the world are currently taking medications to lower their cholesterol. In England alone, around 7 million people are taking cholesterol-lowering statins in the hope of reducing their risk of a heart attack. But an increasing number of doctors and researchers are questioning the supposed link between cholesterol and heart disease.

At the same time, many people are concerned about the mass prescription of medications. In particular, prescribing medications to people who are, for the most part, perfectly healthy.

A team is now working on a documentary about the cholesterol hypothesis.  The documentary will address several key issues: Have the facts about cholesterol and heart disease been distorted by pharmaceutical companies keen to increase their profits? Have our health authorities done their job to protect us from these commercial interests?

29 billion dollars is a conservative estimate of the current value of the cholesterol-lowering industry.

29 billion pounds is what cardiovascular disease costs the UK economy each year.

If the focus on cholesterol has been a mistake, then the greatest cost is associated with the lost opportunity to tackle heart disease.


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$29 Billion Reasons to Lie About Cholesterol29 Billion Reasons to Lie about Cholesterol provides the facts; enabling readers to make informed choices about the prevention of heart disease and diabetes.

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Björklund Nutrition is an online, global news service operated by Vital Press. Björklund Nutrition features news and resources focused on nutrition, environmental medicine and health. The service is founded and managed by Mr. Geir Bjørklund.

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